Friday, September 12, 2003

America's growing network of bases

America's growing network of bases

America's need to have a ready access point to the world's hot spots has given us a new network of "virtual" bases, ready to be revved up and utilized for military operations on fairly short notice. Bases in a lots of out of the way, seemingly god forsaken places in the old soviet republics and countries in Asia. With these bases, agreements and overflight rights, relationships with this myriad number of others. Still to come, hypersonic bombers that can fly through space from U.S. soil and bomb a target out of existence without asking anybody's permission for overflights. American influence. Some people say this is the stuff of empire, of conquest. I don't think so. We are not out to take other people's lands or territory. In fact, if that were the intent, none of these countries which host these bases would do it, even though we pay them. Thankfully, as a country, we have the resources to take the fight to the terrorists. To fight this battle largely over there, and not over here. For this I am profoundly thankful.

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